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Plant Bed

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Plant Bed
Grow plants within your base.

10 8 6
500 100
Add growlight
Allows plants to grow indoors and throughout the night.
2 1 5 6

Plant Bed Sprinkler
Upgrade plant beds with a water sprinkler system. Once upgraded, connect an active water pipe to use the sprinklers.
200 50
Increases power efficiency of growlight
Reduces the power cost of growlight by 25%
1 2 4 4
400 60

A Plant Bed is a BCU-dependent utility item that allows the player to grow their own Fruits & Vegetables, Medicinal Herbs, and Cotton.

Repair this item by using [ LClick ] with Hammer (essentially hitting it with the hammer).

This requires the following materials: Wood Log x1 and Nails x1

  • Note: The plant bed will remain (even with upgrades) if the BCU it was placed within is removed.


Plant Bed Interface Plant Bed Interface with Sprinkler

The Plant tab has the following slots:

Currently ash, animal feces, or potassium.

The Sprinkler tab

Water & Fertilizer Resource List

Water % per Unit
Dirty Water 24% - 25%
Purified Water 34%
Fertilizer % per Unit
Ash 0.08%
Animal Feces 1.25%
Potassium 7%

Seed Resource List

Seed Product
(per seed)
Carrot Seed Carrots x3
Cotton Plant Seed Cotton x3
Medicinal Plant Seed Medicinal Herbs x8
Onion Seed Onions x3
Potato Seed Potatoes x3
Tomato Seed Tomato x2


Craft a Plant Bed inside the BCU craft tab.


The Plant Bed has three (3) upgrades available.

Without any upgrades, the plant bed allows the player to grow plants dependent on natural sunlight, water, and optionally fertilizer.


The Growlight will consume 0.07 Power and enable the plants to grow during the night or in low light areas, such as indoors or next to a wall. Grow lights keep the light level at 100% and offers the quickest growth for plants but uses resources quicker.

Plant Bed Sprinkler

Craft the Plant Bed Sprinklers inside the Water Tank crafting menu.

Once attached (upgraded), the Sprinkler has a water intake connection, which Water Pipes can be attached to. The pipes need to be connected to the outflow of a Water Tank.

The sprinkler systems can be run automatically by enabling the "automation" checkbox within the plant bed sprinkler hud, the sprinklers will automatically turn on once the plant bed water level drops below 40%. This consumes 10% more Power for that plant bed and the Water Tank pump.

Note: The sprinkler hud also shows an indicator for whether the plant bed is currently connected to a pipe network that has water available.


Plant Bed Plant Bed with Glowlight Plant Bed with Sprinkler

Base Command Unit
Power & Mass:  Small Power GeneratorPower StorageMass StorageRecyclerMass FabricatorSolar PanelWind Turbine

Utility:  RefineryMining DrillPlant BedAnimal HousingLarge Storage Unit (LSU)BCU Range Extender

Quality of Life:  Base LightFloodlightFloodlight MountedFlood Light SwitchWoodburnerBedRadiatorAir ConditionerFridge

Crafting:  WorkbenchElectrical BenchFurniture WorkbenchOvenDistillerDiving StationLatheVehicle Construction Bay (VCB)Water Tank

Other:  Lock Pick