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Medicinal Plant Seed

From Subsistence Wiki
Medicinal Plant Seed
Can be planted and grown.


Medicinal Plant Seeds are either picked from Medicinal Plants out in the wilds or can be extracted from Medicinal Herbs you collect from the same plant or in Loot containers.

To extract a seed from Medicinal Herbs right click and select "Extract Seed".

Medicinal Herbs Right Click


Once you have seeds, you can begin farming by crafting a Plant Bed. This will take resources and a BCU to craft.

For the seed to grow it needs water. A more successful harvest will also need fertilizer and upgrades to your plant bed. This process will produce more Fruit/Veg for your player.


Growing medicinal herbs in plant bed

Crafting Station:  Plant Bed

Seeds:  Carrot SeedCotton Plant SeedMedicinal Plant SeedOnion SeedPotato SeedTomato Seed