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Air Conditioner

From Subsistence Wiki
Air Conditioner
Keeps your base cool during hot days.

10 4 3
750 100
Increased power efficiency
Reduces the power consumption of the air conditioner by 20%.
1 4 1 2

Increased power efficiency
Reduces the power consumption of the air conditioner by 20%.
1 5 1 1
135 90

An Air Conditioner is a BCU-dependent utility item that allows the player to avoid harmful hot conditions inside their base during summer months.

During the heat of the summer, bases can get very hot indoors. Air Conditioners can drop internal base temperatures by as much as -20°.

Air Conditioners draw Power from the base when active. The fan blades animate and the cooling element will light up while the AC is running.

Being within range of an AC Unit will give the character a cooled effect.

Insulation Mechanics

The influence of fires (also radiators and AC units) falls-off as players move further away. It’s percentage of influence is now displayed over the status icon.

Both the Radiator and AC unit are influenced by insulation in the base.

If you have an open-air base, heat from the radiator will be diminished greatly over distance.
However an enclosed base will make much better use of radiator heat and AC cooling.
  • Note: Standing by an open doorway will be cooler or warmer respectively.


Air Conditioner Interface


Craft a Air Conditioner inside the BCU craft tab.


The Air Conditioner has two (2) upgrades available.

Power Efficiency

Each upgrade reduces the power consumption by 20%, for a total of 40% decrease.

Without any upgrades, the air conditioner allows the player to stay cool at a certain power cost.


Air Conditioner Air Conditioner when on

Base Command Unit
Power & Mass:  Small Power GeneratorPower StorageMass StorageRecyclerMass FabricatorSolar PanelWind Turbine

Utility:  RefineryMining DrillPlant BedAnimal HousingLarge Storage Unit (LSU)BCU Range Extender

Quality of Life:  Base LightFloodlightFloodlight MountedFlood Light SwitchWoodburnerBedRadiatorAir ConditionerFridge

Crafting:  WorkbenchElectrical BenchFurniture WorkbenchOvenDistillerDiving StationLatheVehicle Construction Bay (VCB)Water Tank

Other:  Lock Pick