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Fruits and Vegetables

From Subsistence Wiki

Fruits & Vegetables is part of your character's "Hunger" status.


Fruits & Veg are found either through foraging plants, looting loot containers, or grown in a plant bed.

They do not increase maximum health and stamina except when used in cooking recipes.

Health Status

Health hud

The "carrot" icon is your Fruits and Vegetables bar.

Note: Different food (Fruits & Veg) will effect your player Hydration levels.

Fruits & Vegetables Food Index

Fruits and Vegetables
Fruit & Veg
Name Protein Fruit / Veg Satiation Hydration Max HP Gain Max SP Gain
Apples + 24 + 12 + 3
Tomatoes + 22 + 17 + 3
Mushrooms + 5 + 15 + 5 + 2
Berry Water + 15 + 5 + 34
Strawberries + 14 + 4 + 2
Blueberries + 13 + 4
Carrots + 12 + 6 – 1
Rosehip Berries + 12 + 4 – 3
Potatoes + 10 + 4 – 2
Kelp + 9 + 3 – 1
Onions + 8 + 4 – 2
Name Protein Fruit / Veg Satiation Hydration Max HP Gain Max SP Gain
Honey + 21 + 15 + 0.03 + 0.02