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Tomato Seed

From Subsistence Wiki
Tomato Seed
Can be planted and grown.


Tomato Seeds are only found inside Loot containers. Once you have a seed you can plant it in a Plant Bed to grow Tomatoes.

To extract a seed from the Tomato right click and select "Extract Seed".

Tomato Right Click


Once you have seeds, you can begin farming by crafting a Plant Bed. This will take resources and a BCU to craft.

For the seed to grow it needs water. A more successful harvest will also need fertilizer and upgrades to your plant bed. This process will produce more Fruit/Veg for your player.


Growing tomatoes in plant bed

Crafting Station:  Plant Bed

Seeds:  Carrot SeedCotton Plant SeedMedicinal Plant SeedOnion SeedPotato SeedTomato Seed