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Bleeding may be caused as a side effect of injuries sustained by weapons or animal attacks.

For as long as the bleeding persists, the player's health will gradually deteriorate.

Bleeding can be stopped immediately by applying a bandage. (Using a health kit will regenerate the player's health, but not stop bleeding.) In addition, bleeding will stop on its own after a certain amount of time, which depending on the circumstances can be a worthwhile resource-saving risk to take.

Boosted Stamina

Application of an adrenaline boost will immediately endow the player for three minutes with unlimited stamina (regardless of any concurrent stamina-hindering conditions).

Boosted Strength

Application of a strength boost will immediately endow the player for three minutes with increased physical power, allowing them to inflict greater melee damage and gain resources (from lumbering or mining) more quickly (regardless of any concurrent stamina-hindering conditions).

Broken Bone

In addition to immediate damage to one's health, falling from great heights will cause bone fractures, as may attacks from bears, cougars, and moose with high likehood.

As long as a broken bone isn't treated, the player can only move at a very slow pace equivalent to crouching speed.

Bone fractures won't heal on their own, but require the application of a splint. The effect of the treatment is immediate.


Temperatures below one's cold tolerance (granted by clothing) will cause the player to get cold. The greatest possible cold tolerance currently possible (–8.5°C) can only be achieved with a full set of the most advanced clothing. In winter, however, temperatures will inevitably fall below even this threshold during snowstorms, making it difficult to avoid getting cold while out in the field.

For as long as the player is cold, their protein levels and their max SP gains will gradually decrease. In addition, the player's HP will suffer and deteriorate as well.

Any cold can be made temporarily tolerable by using a heat pack, which will warm the player for exactly two minutes. At home, a campfire, woodburner, or radiator can be used to warm up one's base.


For as long as they're cooled by an air conditioner, the player is impervious to any heat effects.


Temperatures above one's heat tolerance (which is generally at odds with thick protective clothing) will cause the player to get hot. The greatest possible heat tolerance currently possible (+27.0°C) can only be achieved by undressing as much as possible. In summer, however, temperatures will inevitably rise above even this threshold around noon and afternoon, making it difficult to avoid getting hot while while out in the field.

For as long as the player is hot, their hydration levels will gradually decrease. If heat persists once a player's hydration is fully depleted, their health will suffer and deteriorate as well due to severe thirst (see below).

Any heat can be made temporarily tolerable by getting wet (by jumping into a pond or lake), which will cool the playern for a few moments. In the absence of ponds or lakes, compensating dehydration by drinking water is the only way to deal with the effects of heat while out in the field. At home, an air conditioner can be used to cool down one's base.


Natural metabolism and in particular physical exertion (running) will eventually cause the player to get hungry.

For as long as severe hunger persists, the player will lose all their stamina, and their health will gradually deteriorate, and they'll be too weak to recover either.

Eating food (some kinds of which are more nutritious and effective than others) will help satisfy one's hunger.


Infections are caused by drinking dirty water, not washing one's hands (within 15 minutes) after butchering an animal, or eating low-grade chicken/rabbit meat that isn't fully cooked. In addition, there is always at least a chance of contracting an infection by eating raw crayfish or suffering an animal attack.

Infections immediately reduce and limit the player's available max HP/SP to approximately two thirds of the default value (60 on Easy, 55 on Normal, 40 on Hardcore). Also, for as long as an infection persists, the player's max HP/SP gains will gradually be lost.

Infections can only be cured (in the actual sense of the word) by using an antidote. However, before placing one's (first) BCU, infections will also disappear after death. Afterwards, infections will always persist after death to discourage calculated suicide.


Application of an insect repellent will fully protect the player for three minutes from any insect bites and stings, enabling the player to harvest honey from bee hives without getting attacked by bees.



Application of a heat pack will fully protect the player for two minutes from any cold and its otherwise subsequent effects, enabling the player to traverse the world even at the height of a blizzards (although only briefly or at the expense of many such heat packs).


Natural metabolism and in particular physical exertion (running), eating (most kinds of) food, or being hot (see above) will eventually cause the player to get thirsty.

For as long as severe thirst persists, the player will quickly lose all their stamina, and their health will gradually deteriorate, and they will be too weak to recover either.

Drinking water (or, in most cases less effectively, eating hydrative food) will help quench one's thirst.


For as long as they're warmed by a campfire, a woodburner, or a radiator, the player is impervious to any cold effects.


Swimming in a pond or lake as well as exposure to rain will cause the player to get wet.

For as long as the player is wet, the apparent temperature will be perceived as cooler (–4.0°C on Easy/Normal, –5.5°C on Hardcore) than the actual environmental air temperature, which can noticeably alleviate or aggravate the effects of seasonal climate. In Summer, getting wet is an easy (though temporary) way to avoid getting hot (see above). Conversely, being wet in high-altitude areas or at night or at any point in winter will cause the player to get lethally cold (see above).

Any wetness will eventually dry if the source of wetness doesn't persist. Wetness will dry especially quickly in summer heat or in proximity to a heat source like a campfire, a woodburner, or a radiator.

Further Information

  • Cold is the only condition that isn't indicated by a UI icon, but by a screen frost effect.