Seasons and Weather
Seasons change the world dynamically, affecting both the visual aesthetic and many gameplay mechanics.
Almost every type of foliage and tree has been hooked-up to a new system to handle smooth visual transitions through the various seasons.
Many of the tree canopies will change throughout the seasons.
In early spring, grass will start to grow and sprout an assortment of flowers across the various meadows, woodland and mountain slopes.
- Trees that have shed their leaves will regrow their canopies.
- Rivers and lakes will thaw as the daily temperatures rise.
During Summer months, as temperatures rise, the spring foliage recedes and much of the grass will go to seed.
A new “heat-tolerance” meter now shows in the player’s clothing profile.
Summer weather is generally Hot.
So carry extra fluids on hot summer days, or take a
swim to cool-off.
Heat Hydration
While too hot will deplete hydration levels faster then usual making the player Thirsty.
Air Conditioners help keep the player cooled from the harsh outside temperatures.
Animal Behavior
Bee Hives are only found during the summer months on Trees. They are guarded by Bees so be careful when seeking their Honey.
Strawberry Plants are only found during the summer months.
As fall settles in and the heat subsides, the trees and foliage will transition to autumnal shades of reds, oranges and browns.
During fall months, Cotton can be found and picked around the world. These plants will either give you one piece of Cotton or a
Warm clothing like Sweaters and Shirts will play a big role in keeping your player protected from the negative effects of the cooler weather / temperatures (especially in evening).
Water temperatures were the same as world temperatures (apart from the -4°C wetness penalty). Water temperature is now treated separately. Be aware of the temperature change and how that effects your player.
Animal Behavior
File:Rutting Season-icon.png During Mid-September through mid-October moose will enter their rutting season. During this period they will become highly aggressive and instead of fleeing from players, will stand their ground and attack/chase.
Winter brings harsh cold temperatures, snow and blizzards.
- The rivers and lakes will freeze and many species of trees will become bare of leaves.
- Much of the grass will die or be buried by snow.
The severity of the cold temperatures (and heat during summer) are adjusted for easy/normal/hardcore modes.
Warm clothing like Sweaters and Winter Jackets will play a big role in keeping your player protected from the negative effects of harsh weather / temperatures.
Ground snow accumulation is based on snowfall, meaning as winter rolls in, it is the weather that will dictate the buildup of snow on the ground and rock formations.
Frozen Rivers & Lakes
During the winter months, while the Rivers and lakes are frozen, players will need to melt snow in their canteens to acquire water.
Resources such as Kelp, Clams and Sandstone will be unavailable.
Ice Fishing can be done by using a Pick Axe on the ice to create an access hole for your Fishing Rod.
Cold Protein Depletion
Getting too cold will now slowly deplete protein levels making the player Hungry.
Radiators help keep the player warmed from the harsh outside temperatures.
Animal Behavior
During the winter months, Bears will go into hibernation and White Wolves will emerge into the landscape.
Winter is a great time to catch some Pike in nearby lakes and ponds.
Rosehip Plants are only found during the winter months, which replaces the Berry Plant (only time when you cannot pick Blueberries.