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Fishing Rod

From Subsistence Wiki
Fishing Rod
Used for fishing in lakes.

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The Fishing Rod is a tool used to go fishing in the Lakes and Ponds found around the world.

To catch fish you'll need Fishing Tackle.

Note: Alternatively, the player can also craft a Fish Trap and use the Tree Grubs inside for bait.


Fishing hud

Catch Index


Craft a Fishing Rod in your Inventory under the Tool tab.


Fishing Rod cast

Crafting Station: Inventory CraftingWorkbench

Materials:  StickWooden PlanksCordageRopeClothPadded Cloth
Warmth:  CampfireFire Starting KitFuel BrickMatches
Hunting:  Fishing RodFishing TackleFish TrapAnimal Trap
Building:  Hammer
Exploring:  Climbing AxesHang Glider
Other:  Rogue TransceiverWater Canteen