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Pick Axe

From Subsistence Wiki
Pick Axe
Used to efficiently harvest raw ores.

4 4 2

The Pick Axe is an effective Tool for Mining. This item can be crafted.


The Pick Axe is used for the following tasks:

  • Harvest Ore Nodes
  • Can be used to kill other players or Hunters (strongly advise against this!)

Damage Chart

This information is based from A56 on Normal difficulty. Subject to change and dependent on your settings.

◆ Pick Axe ◆ Default Damage
Against animals/hunters 22
Against blocks 2
◆ Pick Axe ◆
Strength Boost
Default Damage
Against animals/hunters 33
Against blocks 3


Craft a Pick Axe in your Inventory under the Weapon tab.


Character holding a Pick Axe

Crafting Station: Inventory CraftingWorkbench

Tools:  Steel-head AxePick AxeGlow Stick
Bows:  Hunting BowRecurve Bow
Guns:  M9 PistolRed 9 PistolRevolverShotgunDouble Barrel Shotgun (DBS)RifleLever Action Rifle (LAR)
Explosives:  Molotov CocktailGrenadeClaymoreBreaching ChargeBCU Cracker