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Steel-head Axe

From Subsistence Wiki
Steel-head Axe
Chop wood, butcher animals, kill other players, etc.

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The Steel-head Axe is a basic Tool that appears in your player inventory at the start of the game and after death. If lost, it is possible to craft this item.


The Steel-head Axe is used for the following tasks:

Damage Chart

This information is based from A56 on Normal difficulty. Subject to change and dependent on your settings.

◆ Steel-head Axe ◆ Default Damage
Against animals/hunters 17
Against blocks 1
◆ Steel-head Axe ◆
Strength Boost
Default Damage
Against animals/hunters 25
Against blocks 2


Craft a Steel-head Axe in your Inventory under the Weapon tab.


Character holding a Steel-head Axe

Crafting Station: Inventory CraftingWorkbench

Tools:  Steel-head AxePick AxeGlow Stick
Bows:  Hunting BowRecurve Bow
Guns:  M9 PistolRed 9 PistolRevolverShotgunDouble Barrel Shotgun (DBS)RifleLever Action Rifle (LAR)
Explosives:  Molotov CocktailGrenadeClaymoreBreaching ChargeBCU Cracker