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Glow Stick

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Glow Stick
Light your path at night.

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The Glow Stick is a Tool that provides very low-grade light source at night. The player will begin the game with this item, and one will appear in your player's inventory after death. Default color: Blue.


Glow Stick color choices

Players can now customize their glow sticks by choosing from a selection of colors. Simply click on your glow stick to display its contextual item display (at the top of the hud). Then select from the color-picker to apply your color of choice.

Color options:


Rogues & Hunters will carry a Glow Stick at night, making them visible on the map and from a distance if they are near enough to your player or your base.

Rogues (Rogue Camps) use Green glow sticks
Hunters (Hunter Bases) use Blue glow sticks
Miners (Underwater Caves) use Orange glow sticks
Deep-miners (Lava Caves) use Red glow sticks
Pilots (Crash Sites) use Pink glow sticks


Craft a Glow Stick in your Inventory under the Weapon tab.


Crafting Station: Inventory CraftingWorkbench

Tools:  Steel-head AxePick AxeGlow Stick
Bows:  Hunting BowRecurve Bow
Guns:  M9 PistolRed 9 PistolRevolverShotgunDouble Barrel Shotgun (DBS)RifleLever Action Rifle (LAR)
Explosives:  Molotov CocktailGrenadeClaymoreBreaching ChargeBCU Cracker