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M9 Pistol

From Subsistence Wiki
M9 Pistol
Semiautomatic 9mm Pistol.

5 3 4

The M9 Pistol is the starting weapon on Easy and Normal single player difficulties. In co-op and servers, players do not start with this weapon and must be crafted.

This weapon uses 9mm Rounds for ammunition.

This is a relatively weak weapon at first, but once upgraded can handle most Hunters who aren't wearing a helmet, for breaking down doors, or generally taking on any Animal.


Damage Chart

This information is based from A56 on Normal difficulty. Subject to change and dependent on your settings.

◆ M9 PISTOL ◆ Default Firepower Firepower 1 Firepower 2 Firepower 3 Firepower 4
Against animals/hunters 18 21 25 28 32
Against blocks 3 4 5 5 6


If you don't start with this weapon or happen to lose it while exploring these dangerous wilds, fear not you can craft it!

Craft a M9 Pistol in your Inventory under the Weapon tab.


Use a Workbench to upgrade your Weapons.

M9 Pistol
Firepower Clip Size Reload Speed
M9 Pistol 100 M9 Pistol 010 M9 Pistol 001
M9 Pistol 200 M9 Pistol 020 M9 Pistol 002
M9 Pistol 300 M9 Pistol 030 M9 Pistol 003
M9 Pistol 400 M9 Pistol 040 M9 Pistol 004


Character holding an M9 Pistol

Crafting Station: Inventory CraftingWorkbench

Tools:  Steel-head AxePick AxeGlow Stick
Bows:  Hunting BowRecurve Bow
Guns:  M9 PistolRed 9 PistolRevolverShotgunDouble Barrel Shotgun (DBS)RifleLever Action Rifle (LAR)
Explosives:  Molotov CocktailGrenadeClaymoreBreaching ChargeBCU Cracker