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Hunters are the player's primary antagonists. They will always react with lethal aggression if the player ventures too close to them.

They show up three (3) days after a player places their first BCU.

Enabled / DIsabled

Hunters can now be enabled / disabled for save game profiles. This will work for existing save games. Disabling hunters and loading an existing save will wipe them from the world. You can re-enable them again, but they will need to build up from scratch. Note: An autosave needs to occur before re-enabling them. I will be making further improvements to the menu system in the next few updates.

Hunter AI / Mechanics

  • Hunters will engage/fire at longer range when using rifles and the revolver.
  • Hunters better trained at using the lever-action rifle.
  • Hunters are now aware of the positions of their squad-mates and will seek independent cover.
  • Hunter firepower percentage of damage dealt is set to 50/59/65% across easy / normal / hardcore modes.


Hunter's in different gear

Hunters can now make use of the new wearable armor. A new system allows hunters to gear-up based on the threat they’re under. Repeatedly attacking a hunter squad will force them to start crafting better armor in defense.

The hunters will slowly gear-up regardless of whether they’re being attacked. However to a lesser extent than those taking repeated attacks. The extent and speed at which the hunters will gear-up varies across easy/normal/hardcore modes.

Seasonal Clothing

Base Hunters and Rogues will dress accordingly for the time of year.

During the winter months they will wear camo variants of the winter jacket. This will substitute any combat armor, so generally they will be less protected from gunfire.

During fall and spring you will see them wearing sweaters and t-shirts.


Double Impact: Kill two hunters with a single hand grenade blast.

Hunter Types

Base Hunters


Base Hunters (Hunters) are the original hunters introduced into the game.

Hunters will build Bases and Fortresses, go fishing, and cook food.

See Base Hunters for more information.

Rogue Hunters

Rogue hunters

Rogue Hunters (Rogues) are equipped with lower tiered arsenals and less armor, they present less of a threat during combat. However they can take the player by surprise due to their variable camping spots around the map.

See Rogues for more information.

Mining Hunters

Mining Hunters

Mining Hunters (Miners) form groups of usually three men, patrolling the underwater caves underneath Pine Forest Lake and Birchwood Lake.

They have more firepower than normal Base Hunters, however they have camps and share the "shirtless" equipment behavior similar to Rogue Hunters.

See Miners for more information.

Deep-Cave Hunters

Deep-Cave Hunters

Deep-Cave Hunters (Deep-cave miners) are identified by their gas masks and grimy bodies from the fumes in the caves.

They are found deep in the Lava Caves and typically form smaller squads than the other cave miners.

See Deep-Cave Miners for more information.



Pilots will defend their Crash sites (and its cargo).

These guys will not be friendly to players trying to scavenge their wreck site and will defend themselves and their cargo with precision.

See Pilots for more information.