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Boiling Pan

From Subsistence Wiki
Boiling Pan
Use on the oven to prepare various foods.

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The Boiling Pan is a Crafting utensil used inside the Oven to fry up Cooked Meals.


Place the Boiling Pan in the second tab of the Oven to unlock it's recipes.


Craft a Boiling Pan inside the Workbench.

This item unlocks the following recipes:

Boiling Pan Recipe List

Materials:  GunpowderAmmo CasingsNailsAlloy SheetsMetal IngotMetal PipeGlass PanelJam Jar

Tools and Utensils:  Frying PanBoiling PanBaking PanClimbing AxesHang Glider

Weapons & Ammo:  Double Barrel ShotgunLever Action RifleRecurve BowArrows (Premium)Grenade-Tipped ArrowsGrenadeMolotov CocktailClaymore

Other:  Vehicle Fuel