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Grenade-Tipped Arrows

From Subsistence Wiki
Grenade-Tipped Arrows
Suitable for attacking groups or destroying bases.

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Grenade-Tipped Arrows are Ammunition for both the Hunting Bow and Recurve Bow.

They can be extremely handy for base defense when dealing with groups of hunters, and also do significant damage to base structures.


Grenade-Tipped Arrows cause a devastating explosion upon impact - whether your aim is true or not. Don't stand too close as this will cause injury.


Craft Grenade-Tipped Arrows inside the Workbench craft tab.


Grenade-Tipped Arrow devastation

Materials:  GunpowderAmmo CasingsNailsAlloy SheetsMetal IngotMetal PipeGlass PanelJam Jar

Tools and Utensils:  Frying PanBoiling PanBaking PanClimbing AxesHang Glider

Weapons & Ammo:  Double Barrel ShotgunLever Action RifleRecurve BowArrows (Premium)Grenade-Tipped ArrowsGrenadeMolotov CocktailClaymore

Other:  Vehicle Fuel

Crafting Station: Inventory CraftingWorkbench

Arrows:  ArrowsArrows (Premium)Grenade-Tipped Arrows
9mm Rounds:  9mm Rounds
Shotgun Rounds:  Shotgun ShellsShotgun Slugs
Rifle Rounds:  Rifle RoundsRifle Rounds (Incendiary)
.44 Rounds:  .44 Rounds.44 Rounds (Incendiary)