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Storage Crate

From Subsistence Wiki
Storage Crate
Store inventory items.

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The Storage Crate is a building storage chest that can hold up to 30 items total.


Press the [ Use ] key to access your Storage chest.


Storage Crate Interface

The Contents tab has 30 slots to store items.
Label tab Selection options
The Label tab introduces picture labels that will appear on all sides of the storage crate.


Craft a Storage Crate in your Inventory under the Building tab.


Storage Crate Storage Crate (Labeled)

Crafting Station:  Inventory

Building:  BCUStorage Crate

Building Pieces: 
Wood Building Pieces:  Wood Foundation (CurvedTriangle) • Wood Foundation Stairs (Half) • Wood Wall (CurvedCurved WindowHalfHalf - VerticalCurved HalfQuarter) • Wood Doorway • Wood Window • Wood Ceiling (CurvedTriangleHalfQuarter) • Wood Stairs • Ladder Hatch • Roof (CurvedSlanted) • Wood Door

Glass Building Pieces:  Glass Door • Glass Window (Curved) • Glass Wall (CurvedCurved SlantedCurved HalfSlantedSlanted SideHalfHalf - VerticalHalf Vertical SlantedQuarter) • Glass Doorway • Glass Ceiling (CurvedHalfQuarter) • Glass Roof (CurvedSlanted)

Misc Building Pieces:  Railings (CurvedHalfStairs) • Rug