Roof (Curved)

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Roof (Curved)
A placeable item, for base building.

3 8 1

A Roof (Curved) is a building base piece.

Repair this item by using [ LClick ] with Hammer (essentially hitting it with the hammer).

This requires the following materials: Wood Log x1 and Nails x1

Upgrade with [ USE ] key which requires Alloy Sheets x3.


Roof pieces have several varieties:


Craft a Roof (Curved) in your Inventory under the Building tab.


Roof (Curved) Roof (Curved)-Upgraded

Crafting Station:  Inventory

Building:  BCUStorage Crate

Building Pieces: 
Wood Building Pieces:  Wood Foundation (CurvedTriangle) • Wood Foundation Stairs (Half) • Wood Wall (CurvedCurved WindowHalfHalf - VerticalCurved HalfQuarter) • Wood Doorway • Wood Window • Wood Ceiling (CurvedTriangleHalfQuarter) • Wood Stairs • Ladder Hatch • Roof (CurvedSlanted) • Wood Door

Glass Building Pieces:  Glass Door • Glass Window (Curved) • Glass Wall (CurvedCurved SlantedCurved HalfSlantedSlanted SideHalfHalf - VerticalHalf Vertical SlantedQuarter) • Glass Doorway • Glass Ceiling (CurvedHalfQuarter) • Glass Roof (CurvedSlanted)

Misc Building Pieces:  Railings (CurvedHalfStairs) • Rug