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Random Plane Events

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Random Plane Events

Players will now experience random plane flybys during gameplay. On occation these fights will crash-down somewhere in the world, providing players with incentive to venture out to discover the wreck and loot its cargo.

Night-time lights

The pilots will dynamically toggle the plane lights during day/night transitions, and the drone of the engines will alert players to incoming aircraft.

Flight Paths

Fight Paths

Flight Paths are procedurally handled and unique for every flight. Planes will enter the play space and attempt extensive flybys of the playable area before exiting and flying out into the wilderness.

Crash Sites

Crash Sites

On occasion flights will go down and crash, creating a huge fiery explosion and sending vibrations and echoes of the impact across the map.

Players will be able to observe crash sites by their burning debris and column of smoke from the burning fuel. If enough shroud on the map has been uncovered, the flames from the crash will be visible from the map view.

See Crash Sites for more information.



Pilots will defend their Crash sites (and its cargo).

These guys will not be friendly to players trying to scavenge their wreck site and will defend themselves and their cargo with precision.

See Pilots for more information.

Crash Site Looting

Crash Site Loot

During crashes, Aircraft Cargo crates will spill out among the wreck. These cargo crates are sealed with metal straps, so will need to be broken open to access their loot.

Crash Site Debris

The debris from the wreck is also of value to players. Almost all parts of the wreck can be broken down to yield scrap metal.

Both activities will cause usage damage to your tools over time.