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Player Backpack

From Subsistence Wiki

A Backpack appears after a player is defeated.

A skull will appear and will help you locate your backpack after [ respawn ].


Player Backpack Interface

This backpack has a total of 35 slots. Make sure you have enough room to pick up everything from your bag!!


Player Backpack

Containers:  Ammo ContainerBuilding Supplies ContainerMedical ContainerMining Supply ContainerAircraft CargoSpecialty ContainerHunter Base LootHunter BackpackPlayer Backpack

Plants:  Berry PlantCarrot PlantCotton PlantFiber PlantGrub TreeKelp PlantMedicinal PlantMushroom PlantOnion PlantPotato PlantRosehip PlantStrawberry PlantTrees

Ores:  Black Crystal OreCoal OreCopper OreCrystal OreIron OreLithium OreObsidian OrePhosphate OrePotassium OreSandstone OreSilicon OreZinc Ore

Other:  Bee HiveClam ShellScrap Metal