As you make your way through the world of Subsistence you will find many things that will threaten your life.
- Reactionary animals
- Hostile animals
Base Hunters only appear three days after a character has placed their Base Command Unit.
- Hunters will create a base and will defend the area around it.
- If you defeat all of the hunters from a base, you can break in and take their loot if any is available.
- If you get to close to hunters, they will defend themselves.
Rogue Hunters are different than Hunters in the following ways:
- Rogue camps will move to different locations all over the map every few days.
- You can identify rogues by the fact they do not wear shirts.
- The only thing Rogues build is a campfire and will defend the area around it.
Miners are only found in the Underwater Caves:
- Miner camps can be found in each section of the two main cave systems, within each room / section.
- Miners are shirtless but wear combat gear and mining helmets.
Deep-Cave Miners are only found deep in the Lava Caves:
- Deep-Cave Miners are less geared than their other miner counterparts.
- Deep-Cave Miners are in small groups of three.
Pilots are found near Crash Sites:
- Pilots protect their cargo.
- Pilots are heavily armed |Lever action rifles and .44 Revolvers.
Other Threats
The only other threats you have to worry about are other players and yourself. This is a Co-op PvE game, but you can still hurt your allies with weapons as well as hurting yourself by running off ledges to take falling damage as well as drowning in water.