From Subsistence Wiki
Welcome to being a Leader among our wiki editors. This is a leadership role in that we have more responsibility toward our community and privileges on this wiki.
- As an Admin we are charged with helping others with editing and our guidelines for how to create different pages, what information, and formatting (language).
- Strive to make the wiki a safe place for all! We want all to feel welcome and included!
- Spread the word, invite people we know are part of the community and would like to contribute. Tell people where they can gain knowledge and information about the game!
Rights and Privileges
- Block a user from sending email (blockemail)
- Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks (ipblock-exempt)
- Create and (de)activate tags (managechangetags)
- Create new user accounts (createaccount)
- Delete tags from the database (deletechangetags)
- Delete pages (delete)
- Delete pages with large histories (bigdelete)
- Edit other users' JSON files (edituserjson)
- Edit pages protected as "Allow only administrators" (editprotected)
- Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users" (editsemiprotected)
- Edit restricted form fields (editrestrictedfields)
- Import pages from a file upload (importupload)
- Import pages from other wikis (import)
- Make string replacements on the entire wiki (replacetext)
- Mark rolled-back edits as bot edits (markbotedits)
- Mass delete pages (nuke)
- Merge the history of pages (mergehistory)
- Moderate edits (moderation)
- Move files (movefile)
- Move pages (move)
- Move pages with their subpages (move-subpages)
- Move root user pages (move-rootuserpages)
- Not be affected by IP-based rate limits (autoconfirmed)
- Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
- Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)
- Override the title or username blacklist (tboverride)
- Search deleted pages (browsearchive)
- Unblock oneself (unblockself)
- Undelete a page (undelete)
- Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
- View a list of unwatched pages (unwatchedpages)
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text (deletedhistory)
- View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions (deletedtext)
- View title blacklist log (titleblacklistlog)
- noanalytics (noanalytics)
- Add group: Automoderated users
- Remove group: Automoderated users
The complete list of privileges can be found here
The next level of rights and privileges is Bureaucrat.