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Rotten Meat

From Subsistence Wiki
Rotten Meat


Rotten Meat is created when any type of meat sits too long (around 22 minutes in real time). There is no timer to identify when food is going to spoil so you need to be aware of it.

Note: Ruined Chicken Carcass and Ruined Rabbit Carcass will decay into rotten meat. You cannot harvest rotten meat from the rotten versions of those small animals (even though the name implies so).


Rotten Meat is used in the following recipes:

Rotten Meat Recipe List

Medicine and Chemistry
Crafting Station:  Inventory • Distiller

First Aid:  Bandage • Splint • Health Kit • Adrenaline Boost • Strength Boost • Heat Pack • Insect Repellent • Basic Antidote

Ingredients & Essences:  Medicinal Herbs • Biofuel • Kelp • Liver • Rotten Meat • Medicinal Tonic • Alcohol

Other:  Adhesive